Sunday, September 19, 2010


I did get to run by the store the other day so I could get some more yarn, but I'm not sure I'm happy with the different brand? Ehhh, maybe i'll change my mind.The yarn on the bottom is a thinner yarn I think I will use to make a Spring beret :)

Another Elephant~

I know I've made a lot of these considering I haven't been knitting that long, but they're just so cute, and I absolutely love the pattern! I made this particular one for my orchestra buddy as the revealing gift for the fish fry today.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Anyone have any idea why it costs so much just to buy 2 tiny little plastic tapestry needles? Neither do I. Not to mention they seem so easy to lose, so you'd have to go buy more. Anyway, I've been needing to head to the craft store to pick up some more yarn for my future projects and I'm trying to think of some color ranges to be looking in. I've done the yellow and grey, so I'm thinking maybe blue? and green? We'll see what catches my eye when I *hopefully* go later this week.

Monday, September 13, 2010


My little yellow rabbit

My first project was this rabbit, which you can get the pattern for here -> Rabbit pattern
It was my first project since I started knitting, and especially difficult since I'd never used circular needles. But a fun project all the same. I'll probably make another as soon as I get some more yarn, since there's a few imperfections.

Edgar and Amanda's Elephant

 This is a  picture of a cute elephant project I complete which you can find the link to here -> Little Elephant
I started off with a practice in the yellow yarn and then made a pink one for my friend Amanda because I loved the pattern so much :)  She was thrilled when she saw the end result and now all my friends at school want one, haha.


Before that I also knitted a lemon from Peachcake Knits which I plan on adding a face to as soon as I get the chance to go to the store.

I know I had already promised the pictures 2 days ago, but I've had some delays. Next time I promise I'll have them up in a more timely manner :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Project Pictures Soon to Come!

I finally took some pictures! I'll have them up later this afternoon once I have some more time~
So far I have 3 completely finished projects, with 2 in need of some detail work I just haven't gotten around to.

edit: Okay so I lied, the pictures will come up today! Promise. I scrapped the boring old pics and decided to do some nice plant scenery in the background of all my lovely projects.  So my sister and I will be having our little photography outing in the backyard in a bit.